Have your Midwife who is also a Lactation Consultant come and assist with any problems you may be having, support you with your breastfeeding while doing your postnatal visit.
Medicare rebates to 6 weeks postnatal
1 hour
Have your antenatal care done by your Midwife at the Hub. Partners are encouraged to come and children are welcome. We aim to give your antenatal care & education without long waits for your visit.
Medicare rebates to 6 weeks postnatal
1 hour
Looking for postnatal care and breastfeeding support?
Have your Midwife visit you at home to do postnatal care and support you with your breastfeeding.
Medicare rebates to 6 weeks postnatal
1 hour
For the opportunity to get to know your Midwife while doing your antenatal visits. Then have your postnatal visits at home including breastfeeding support from your Midwife and Lactation consultant.
Medicare rebates to 6 weeks postnatal
1 hour